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Leadership, Power and Influence

Leadership, power and influence continue to play a crucial role in the way of managing the affairs in the modern world. In some situations, leaders have used power in order to influence and at the same time, they have used it for purposes that it did not call for. Others have taken advantage of possessing powerful positions to execute corrupt deals so as to enrich themselves and there is adequate evidence suggesting that power corrupts. In addition, at the very core of leadership there is power and influence what is always mentioned in students' essays https://bestwritingservice.com.


Power constitutes the capacity to influence others to reach desirable outcomes. People acquire power through political means and can use it to control resources. On the other hand, corruption is the use of unacceptable means in order to influence situations with self-interests. One notable definition about corruption is that it is the abuse of power for personal gain. I agree with absolute certainty with the words of Lord Acton about power corrupts. A key aspect of power is that it is a function of dependency that is related to a person’s control over resources. Dependency is greatest for resources that are of high significance, scarce or those that do not have readily available substitutes.


Power and corruption have a high correlation in the sense that if an individual controls one, it is likely to cause the occurrence of the other. Individuals at the helm of power with self-interests are likely to act for their own self interests. The involvement of self-interests in a powerful position leads to possible corrupt activities. For instance, people like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Idi Amin are some of those who had absolute power and corrupted their leadership. Other examples of abuse of power are clear in the professional circles where companies’ Chief Executive Officers are caught in the mix of ethical breaches. Misuse of power manifests itself in terms of warlords and despots, dictators and tyrants that often steal the resources of their countrymen for personal gain.


Corruption requires someone to exercise some discretionary powers over resource allocation. Thus, those who have discretionary power, like the administrators, the political elites, the legislators have certain powers that may make them make some economic decisions that will favor them. In addition, as the political elites gets this power, it becomes exceedingly difficult to check if their policies are the right ones or not. This class of people has incentives, in terms of power that they use to further self-interests. In addition, they may change decisions in order to benefit whoever is willing to give them a bribe. Thus, with more power corruption is absolute.


Absolute power gives people more strength and they end up focusing on their own interests and desires. Some of the experiences that I have with regard to power and corruption is a CEO of a company who uses the company car for personal gain. This may be in terms of taking trips outside the specification of duties and charging the gasoline expenses for the company. This is a clear indication of how individuals may use power and leadership positions for personal interest, making others pay for the costs of their actions.


In conclusion, if power remains unlimited and unchecked, it is likely to cause ethical breaches among those who are in the positions of power. Thus, unlimited power is likely to create corrupt minds in the people who hold that power. If people access resources due to their power and leadership positions, they may face situations that will make them corrupt. Thus, absolute power corrupts.